

New cabinet minister seeks to stem shrinking population (Japan Today) から

今日の英語ニュース記事はJapan Todayから

New cabinet minister seeks to stem shrinking population ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion






A new Japanese cabinet minister tasked with finding ways to boost the birthrate and keep a shrinking population from falling below 100 million said on Thursday he hoped to win over more Japanese to his view that childrearing is rewarding.


・birthrate (birth rate) ≒ fertility rate (n) : 出生率


・task (vt) : ...に(仕事を)課する



・keep A from DOing ≒ prevent A from DOing : Aが...するのを避ける


・win over... ≒ persuade... : ...を説得する 


・child-rearing ≒ child-raising (n): 子育て


Solutions to Japan’s population slide have eluded policy makers for decades. (略)


・elude (vt) ...を避ける



Abe is drawing a demographic red line to halt the slide in Japan’s population at 100 million people by 2060, or a fifth below the current figure.


・draw a red line: 超えてはならない線を引く

・halt (vi, vt) ≒ stop : 停止する



 Abe has for now ruled out opening the door wider to foreigners.


・rule out : 排除する、無視する




Kato’s plethora of ministerial titles give him responsibility for tackling gender equality,  ....


・plethora of ≒ plenty of : 大量の